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Holistic Wellness                     Staff Club events
                                                  The Faculty award function for the
          On the 8th of March 2022, PSG Institute of
          O n                                     period July-December 2021 was held on
          Technology and Applied Research, in     16/2/2022. The chief guest for the event
          association with the Women Empowerment   was Dr. J S Bhuvaneswaran, Director,
          Cell (WEC) and Staff club, organized an   PSG Super Speciality hospital. Faculty
          activity based one day workshop on      were  awarded  with  cash  prizes
          “Holistic Wellness Journey” for all faculty   appreciating their contributions and
          and staff members. The resource person of   achi                                 Ms. Thushara G. Nair
                                                  achievements.  The management was
          the day was Mr. Saravana Prabhu, Software   gracious to sanction Rs.1,38,721/- (One    Assistant Professor, Architecture
          Quality Specialist, D.E. Shaw & Trainer-Art   Lakh Thirty-Eight Thousand Seven
          of Living Foundation. He inculcated the   hundred and Twenty One Only) for the
          importance of physical wellbeing to attain   same
          happiness. Gradually as the day came to a
          pleasant end, values like acceptance and   Staff club organised wellness talks by
          the benefit of doubt lingered on, the way Mr.   Dr. G Rajendiran, Professor & head,
          Pabhu wanted it to.
          Pr                                      Department of Cardiology, PSGIMSR
                                                  and Dr. V Ramamoorthy, Professor &
                                                  Head,  Dept  of  Medicine  and
                                                  Rehabilitation,  PSG  college  of
                                                  Physiotherapy on 27/1/2022 to create
                                                  awaeness on cardiac health and
                                                  preventive   cardiac    check-up
                                                  programmes called PEARL Clinic.            Mr. R. Solomom
                                                                                      Assistant professor, Architecture

           Holistic   wellness    journey
           participants along with the resource


                CORNER                               Dr. P. Vasu, HoD, Dept. of EEE
                                                       honouring Dr. G Rajendiran.             Pricilla D
                                                                                         Assistant Professor Civil

                                          The Staff club and the Tamil Mandram together
                                          organised a pattimandram for the faculty
                                          members in on 21/2/2022. While 8 faculty
                                          members presented their views in a humorous
                                          and  thought  provoking  way,  Dr.  S.
                                          Aramuthakannan acted as the chair-person for
                                          the tamil debate commemorating the Dr. G. R.
                                          Damodara’s birthday.

           Demonstration of Safety Measures
           for Fire Accident
                                        The Department of Physical Education of PSG iTech
                                        organized a session on Safety Measures to be
                                        adopted in the event of fire accident for the
                                        supporting staff members on 8th Nov 2021. The
                                        resource person, Mr. V Rangaraju, Safety Officer,
                                        PSG Institutions explained about the importance of
                                        Safety and Awareness to the 32 staff members who
                                        attended the session. During the demonstration, he
           Mr.V. Rangaraju demonstrating the  provided step-by-step guidance on effective use of
           different ways to extinguish fire  fire extinguishers.
           and use of wet clothes for securing
              a person from fire injuries.

  25 |   PSG iTECH  |  TARANGINI  |  VOLUME 7  |  ISSUE 2
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