Page 29 - Tarangni 7-2
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TELEDIARIO                   Article

          Fear of Vulnerability

           Have you ever seen someone who keeps to themselves? What do you think of them? We often categorize them as Loners. But
           what if they feel 'Vulnerable' and it scares the daylight out of them? Vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed to the
           possibility of being harmed. It improves self-confidence, strengthens relationships, and helps in self-acceptance. If it helps in
           so many ways, why do people fear it? Because it is attached to challenging emotional states like rejection, judgment,
           mistreatment, and feeling inadequate.

           Thereasons are countless. It might be due to their inability to blend in with their surroundings. It might also be due to a
           previous betrayal of trust. Every so often, uncertainty induces fear. The fear of vulnerability is normal but plays a vital part in
           shaping an individual's character. Due to this, they isolate themselves from their surroundings. They close themselves to
           opportunities. Soon, they start self-blaming and internalize negative thoughts about themselves. They feel convinced that they
           are the reason for all the bad things in their lives. It is self-deprecating and often causes pain to others. It hampers them from
           learning from their mistakes.

           What t
           Whato do to uproot this fear from us? The answer is facing them. Appreciating oneself and being comfortable in our skin is
           the first step. Embracing ourselves makes us feel confident and helps us accept our flaws and imperfections. It prevents the
           necessity to seek validation. The second step is to talk and get comfortable with people. Finding people similar to us can make
           us comfortable. If our friends are experiencing this, we can help them by making the environment safe.

           All it takes is effort and a lot of time!
                                                                                                - Jahnavi Vempati
                                                                                                      II Year ECE

                                                                          Innocence to maturity

                       “Innocence dwell with wisdom, but never with ignorance.”
          When we all came into this world, we came as an innocent infant. We radiated our beauty of innocence until the society gave
          us minds, but now we all wanted to get rid of our minds and became innocent again. The regain of innocence is what we call
          as maturity. Children have such an innocent view of their world and surroundings. Every thought is a garden full of wonders
          for them. The memories of the childhood are cherished by almost everyone.
          N Now a days to be happy also we find reasons, but when we were children, we always get angry for reason.  This show that we
          are in devoid of childhood memories and bliss. We can never go back to our innocent childhood. Hope time travel machines
          be invented soon so that one can experience childhood memories twice. Maturity is needed in work but to live a life with
          happiness, we all need our innocence. We may grow up and get placed in good companies with good amount of money, but
          those are all our physical facilities. For getting joy, bliss and peacefulness in our life, it does not come with maturity only
          innocence can give it.
          Childen are like buds. They care for everyone equally without discrimination. We always need to preserve our innocent soul
          to live a lively life. The more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be.  Let our innocence never be apart from our heart.
          As Buddha says,
                 “Light the lamp within; strive hard to attain wisdom. Become pure and innocent, and live the world of light.”

                                                                                         - S Lakshmi Priya Varshini
                                                                                                     II Year CSE

                                                          PSG iTECH  |  TARANGINI  |  VOLUME 7  |  ISSUE 2  | 28
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