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A visit to PSG iTech Water Treatment Plant
On 27th October 2021, the 3 year civil engineering students visited the water
treatment plant in PSG iTech campus accompanied by faculty Dr. M Devasena.
Students saw the current drinking water supply line made of ductile iron pipes
that start from River Bhavani via an intermediate pumping station at Kumaran
Kundram to Neelambur Campus and extends to PSGCAS, PSGIMSR, PSG Tech
Hostels, PSG School and the PSG Tech Campus. The water flows with a
pressure that ranges from 50-60 kg/cm2 and a storage capacity of 45 lakh
liters. The students learnt processes like cascade aeration, plain
sedimentation and slow sand filtration.
3rd year Civil Engineering Students at PSG
iTech Water treatment plant
Survey camp Site visit to Niketha Constructions
As a part of the curriculum, 52 civil engineering students On 22 November 2022, 51 Civil Engineering students went
went to Anaikatti for a three day camp from 8th to 11th on a one-day visit to a construction site. They gained
December 2021, accompanied by eight faculty members. The practical experience, site exposure and knowledge related
students were taught and practiced the surveying to designing and constructing beams, columns and slabs.
instruments like the chain, GPS and total station. They acquired the skill to read and understand building
plans taught by a Site Engineer working at Niketha
Constructions, Coimbatore.
3 year civil
students at
3 year civil engineering students – site
Department Of Civil visit at Niketha Constructions, Coimbatore
Sustainable Practices and Advancements
in Civil Engineering (SPACE’22) MoU between PSG iTech and
Coimbatore Smart City Limited
The Dept. of Civil Engineering in association with Deakin
University, Australia, the Indian Society for Technical The Coimbatore Smart City Limited (CSCL) and the
Education (ISTE), and the American Concrete Institute, Department of Civil Engineering, PSG iTech signed a
organized the conference during 11 and 12 March 2022. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 09/10/2021to
two-day international conference featured six keynote share the knowledge and resources mutually for
speakers from different parts of the world and eleven implementing projects in the Smart Cities Mission of
technical sessions on various topics. Around 84 research Government of India in Coimbatore City. PSG iTech will
papers offer the intellectual capabilities of its faculty, as well as
papers were presented. Dr. P V Mohanram, Secretary, spoke
about the significant role of sustainability in Civil laboratory facilities, including necessary software, for
Engineering. providing significant inputs to CSCL in solving problems in
Dr. V Saraswathy, the chief guest, emphasized the the execution of projects under the Smart Cities mission.
importance of sustainability aspects and advanced
materials used in the construction of infrastructure in
recent days. Further, she appealed to civil engineers to
learn from the traditional structures that are good
examples of sustainable structures.
Mr. Raja Gopala Sunkara IAS, Commissioner and
Managing Trustee Mr. Gopalakrishnan in the
presence of Principal and Secretary
Dignitaries and faculty with the proceedings
of 4 SPACE International Conference