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The New Year 2022 has dawned with a great ray of hope and resilience. Though the pandemic has brought the
           world to a standstill during the last couple of years, humanity, with all its indomitable spirit, has resurrected
           itself with the help of modern science and technology to further the quality of life on earth. Importantly, the
           world has reaffirmed the incredible role played by healthcare professionals, engineers, and technologists in
           addressing the pressing demands during the pandemic period. In a sense, the context underscores the need for
           redefining the boundaries of engineering education and empowering the upcoming engineers with a new set of
           skil required to address the challenges in society.
            I am immensely happy and proud that PSG iTech has organized various technical and non-technical events to
           enhance the skills of students and faculty members to excel both in their academic and personal life.
           Understanding the critical scenario and competitive job market, the college has organized a variety of
           workshops, seminars, FDPs, and outreach programs for students and staff to engage in dialogue with various
           experts for exploring the horizon of knowledge and contributing something to the society.
           During this period of time, the college has reached an important milestone by receiving accreditation for all five
           programs from the National Bureau of Accreditation (NBA) for three years. I take this opportunity to thank the
           management, faculty members, students, alumni, employers, support staff, stakeholders, and all other
           well-wishers to reach this incredible height within seven years from the inception of the college. This
           accreditation implies our impeccable commitment to offer quality technical education for students of all
           sections of society, prepare them to face the challenges ahead of them, and emerge as leaders in their desired
              The college has organized PSG iTech Expo 2022 in the month of March for the school students, teachers, and
           parents to explore the engineering education, some of the important projects developed by our students, and to
           interact with faculty members. The PSG iTech Expo has not only paved the way to inculcate the scientific thirst
           among the young students but demonstrated the inclusive education system at PSG iTech.
              During this period, the college has organized the Third Graduation Day in which 262 graduands have received
           their degrees. Various celebrations like Staff Day (Dr. G.R.Damodaran’s birthday), Republic Day, National
           Science Day, Women’s Day, Annual Cultural Day Advaya 2022, and Sports Day were also organized in grandeur.
           From the research side, I am happy that our college faculty members have received projects worth Rs40 lakhs
           from funding agencies. A patent titled “A Facile Process Route for the Production of Active Zinc Oxide” was
           invented by Dr. M Alagar, Dr. G Latha, Dr. K Balaji, and Dr. A Hariharan, and the same was also granted during
           this period.
           The placement cell of our college has been doing extremely well. Around 82% of our students (2018-22) have
           been placed. Various forms of training like soft-skills training, time management, remote work etiquette, stress
           management, team skills, leadership, motivation, and critical thinking are imparted to our students. Apart from
           these, GATE coaching is offered for all the aspiring students from Mechanical & Civil Engineering branches.
           With these few words, I wish all the students, members of faculty, staff, and students a fulfilling academic year.

                                                                                             - Dr. G Chandramohan

                            Vision                                                Mission
                 To achieve excellence in education and            - To facilitate active learning and vocational
                 research, and nurture engineers with                 training.
                 ethics, who will face global challenges           - To encourage and promote questioning spirit
                 to serve industry and society.                        and  'can-do' entrepreneurial attitude.
                                                                   - To foster industry - institute collaboration.
                                                                   - To ignite passion for creative work and
                                                                      selfless service towards a sustainable world.
                                                                      selfless service t
                                                                   - To provide intellectually stimulating
                                                                      environment, conducive for research..

                                                          PSG iTECH  |  TARANGINI  |  VOLUME 7  |  ISSUE 2  | 02
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