Page 27 - Tarangini6-1
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One of the important cultures followed by our
college is the alumni group and to bridge the
gap between the students currently studying in
the college and the alumni. Our two passed out
student batches are now contributing back to
the alma mater. The First Alumni Congress
meet was held on 8th February 2020. Members
ofPSG Tech Alumni association were also
present at the occasion to share their valuable
suggestions and experiences.
Chief Guest Mr. L K M Adhi, Principal Dr. P V Mohanram
The audience was welcomed by our Principal, and Vice Principal Dr. G Chandramohan with the Office
with a note on the importance of an Alumni bearers of PSG iTech Alumni Association.
Association, followed by a motivational speech
delivered by our chief guest Mr. Adhi. The point
of learning by sharing was reiterated
throughout. Many of the alumni who attended
the meet, shared their valuable experiences
andhow their networking with alumni helped
them grow in their field. The parents of the first
batch of students were thanked heartily by our
Vice Principal, for having had faith in the
faculties and the management of a new
institution back in 2014. He also introduced the
31 office bearers of PSG iTech Alumni Mr Adhi giving away the Alumni scholarship amount of
Association, including President Navneetha Rs. 10000 to a first year student
Krishnan S. U (2014-18 batch, Civil), Vice
President Mr. Hariharan (2015-19 Batch, CSE),
Secretary Vijay Jayaram G (2014-18 Batch,
mechanical), Joint Secretaries, Treasurer and
Executive Committee members. This marked
the inception of the PSG iTech’s Parent
Our Dean of Electrical Sciences and Research,
Dr.P.Subbaraj appreciated the Alumni and
faculty donors of PSG iTech and PSG Tech for
having donated a total amount of Rs. 7,99,400
as scholarship for Students.
Principal Dr. P V Mohanram receiving donations
The day ended with the gathering relishing the contributed by an alumnus.
dinner with melodious music in the background
rendered by the iTech music band at the Central
PSGiTech | Tarangini 6.1 | November 2020 | Page 26